
Saturday 22 October 2016

Singer Akon blasts government as he enters Liberia, Liberians hail him

A radio debate has erupted in Liberia's capital, Monrovia, over remarks by visiting Senegal-born US hip-hop star, Akon.

He said on Thursday that it was "crazy” that he did not see a single streetlight on the 50km (31-mile) road between Liberia’s main international airport and the city when his motorcade drove in.

Akon was in Liberia to launch his Light to Learn project that takes solar lights to schools in dire need of electricity.

On privately-owned Farbric FM caller Jusu Freeman praised the music icon for flagging up the issue.

“We thank God for Akon,” he said.

Charles Kennedy, another caller, speaking with some level of emotion, said Akon was “God sent” to unearth a situation that has been complained about for a long time with nothing done to address it.

Nebett Kortu agreed with Akon. “We hope our national government will listen,” he said.

But Emmanuel Payne, a diehard supporter of  President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and member of the governing Unity Party, appeared on the FM station to debunk the  criticism, insisting that the government’s efforts to provide for its people “are either yielding fruit or nearing fruition”.

Most people in Monrovia, if they have power at all, rely on private generators.

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