
Sunday 9 October 2016

Pastor Mike & Gloria Bamiloye of Mount Zion ministries share their grass to grace story as they mark 28th wedding anniversary (Photos)

Christian Pastor couple and gospel movie actors Mike and Gloria Bamiloye takes us on their memory lane as they mark 28th wedding anniversary. The celebrated couple and pastors on October 8, 2016 marked their 28th wedding ceremony and Mike Bamiloye shared a very emotional grace to grass story reminiscing on how it took them 28 years to pay for their marriage certificate.

Below is their testimony...

This day on October 8, 1988 we married!
A marriage born out of raw faith in the Lord alone. We were two years into full time drama ministry when we married on this day 28 years ago. I had spent all the money I had on ministry matters and I had no more money.

Today I remember that it was just May 2016, this year, we got our marriage certificate from a registry in Ibadan.
So we married without a government marriage certificate. Why?
We both went to Ilesha registry to file for the marriage certificate when it was two months to our wedding, but we did not have the money to pay for the registration. We were to pay about N120, or so, but we did not have the money.

So we told the registry we would come back and we never went back, because we did not have the money. Therefore, it was the church certificate only we had until May this year, when it was demanded at an embassy for a visa.
Then, I searched the house and came up the church marriage certificate, and I then remembered that the visa officer would not accept that. So, I went to a registry in Ibadan and secured our government marriage certificate after 28 years.

The marriage was born out of deep faith.
I remember it was my best man who bought my wedding suit and shirt. May God bless him wherever he is now.
It was my sister-in-law who bought the shoes I wore on my wedding day. It was a ministry member who gave us money to sow the wedding gown, because we had already gone to a place where we could rent the wedding gown.
It was the money my sister-in-Llw sent to us I used to deposit for the seats in our living room. May the Lord bless Sister Taye, my sister-in-law.
It was my elder sister who got the 3-room-Flat we married into. she paid the first year rent. May the Lord ever bless Mummy Felicia Adesiyan. It was my another elder sister who got the Boys Bridgade that played for us as we were driving into the reception place at Ilesha Grammar School, in a car that belonged to one of my cousins.

Mike and Gloria Bamiloye
I remember all the monetary gifts given to us on the wedding day were used to pay some outstanding debts incurred on ministry printings we made before the wedding and some debts on the wedding programs.
So three days after the wedding, we had no money again and the idea of honeymoon never even crossed our mind, because there was no money to attempt such luxury.
I remember, that the following Saturday, our ministry had a drama ministration in Ilesha, at the Advertisers for Jesus Christ, Ishokun, Ilesha. That was a week after our wedding day. And Gloria Olusola and I had to stand beside the road looking for a lift that could carry us to Ilesha. 
There was absolutely no money on us, a week after our wedding, to go to our next drama ministration. So, I had to walk to my elder sister’s house, to ask her for money to travel. She gave us enough money. God bless Mummy Adesiyan.
We travelled to Ilesha and met the brethren waiting for us at the venue of ministration of our first outreach after wedding. That was then…..28 Years Ago.
Our marriage was born out of deep-rooted faith.
But today….the Lord has been faithful.
Today…the Lord has been wonderful to us.
The marriage has been fruitful and productive.
But the journey of faith has not stopped since then.
The marriage that was born out of faith…has continued to grow by faith.
We had all our children in faith….
They grew up and went to schools in faith….
They graduated from universities in faith…..
And they are on full time together with us in faith…..
All the glory belongs to Jesus the Christ, the Son of God, our Redeemer.
Happy anniversary to us and celebrate… Gloria Bamiloye, a woman who married a man who had nothing but faith….raw faith….
Hebrews 11:6
But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him‘.

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