
Thursday 29 December 2016

Olamide's OLIC3 was disappointing and very disorganized - Aggrieved fans write him open letter


Some fans have expressed disappointment at the Olamide Live in Concert 3 (OLIC3) on social media. A Twitter user @Princess_Jacki_  is an Olamide fan who was dissatisfied with the OLIC3 event that she attended and wrote a few words about it. We have reproduced the entire text below.

‘Yesterday was OLIC, I never thought I’d say this, but it was zero. Security was zero; organization was zero as well.
Firstly, porous security. Anyone, I mean anyone, could literally walk through the gates of Eko hotel.  I swear, I didn’t sight one metal detector. People walked in and out as they liked.
I’m sure every Nigerian right now is 150% aware of terrorist attacks and the need for security to be tops at all times especially at social gatherings. Some people said there were dogs. Excuse you, someone could walk in and just start shooting and these people won’t have cared if they died!
Security is major key. Anything could’ve happened TBH.
Then to the ‘disorganization’.  A lot of people didn’t have tickets; it was no one’s fault. A lot of people ended up getting regular tickets for 15k or more, and VIP for about 30k or 40k – also no one’s fault.

After getting tickets the next thing is to queue up to get tags to get in, and trust me the queue was long ASF. After a while, at about 10 or 11 p.m, they said tags were finished but we needed to hold on a little because they went to get more.
From 11 p.m to 2 a.m a lot of people were outside waiting for tags. These people had tickets but were deprived of what they had paid for, because of the inability for the organizers of OLIC to be effective. It’s just like going to the cinema and more tickets are sold than the number of seats. How dumb can that be? What stopped them from producing tags equivalent to the number of tickets they sold?
Eventually people got really angry. A concert slated for 7 p.m and they were left out till 2 a.m! The guys at the gate, bouncers or whoever, weren’t even making situations better. They were so rude, saying stuff like they don’t know why we were still waiting that the tags were finished, and there’s no space in the hall anymore. There were no fights but they released tear gas on us and used tasers on a few people.
No like FML despite this economic shit going on. People went out of their way to be there for the concert and this is what they get??? You think it’s so easy to hustle up 5k, 10k, 20k etc? Or you think people don’t have better stuff doing with their money than watching a bunch of musicians perform?  Things got emotional ASF yoooo – people were crying. That’s how deep it was.

This isn’t for Olamide alone. All artistes need to get their shit together and learn to treat your fans with more respect and love, because without us you’re nothing.
I’m the wildest Olamide fan, but even if they have 10 OLICs after this, I don’t think I’d want to be there. Because it looks like he’s started doing stuff for the rich lads alone, and we’re sorry we can’t afford the gold, silver and platinum.
If you were there for this event and you had fun to its peak –  congratulations. But I didn’t.
Olamide, I think you owe a lot of fans an apology, because a lot of people wasted their money and time.
God bless.’
Another Fan wrote this below:

I, Adenike Oyetunde came to see ,Olamide, LIVE, (it was a complimentary ticket, FYI), and you hounded me with comedy. HOW?!
Olamide looking 'frosh'
Imagine my excitement when I saw these pictures by TY Bello, I knew #Olic3 was definitely going to be a hit.
Dear Olamide, what HAPPENED? What?!
I attended OLIC2 and without a doubt, it was by far my BEST event last year. I talked, and talked about it; everyone around me that didn’t go, knew they had to this year.
Imagine my excitement when I saw these pictures by TY Bello, I knew OLIC3 was definitely going to be a hit. I needed to see ‘Olamide Live In Concert’ *coughs.
In my life, not even at either Canaanland or Redemption Camp had I EVER been stuck in such traffic. No clear plans on controlling humans (forget that we are peculiar here).
The plan was go with Uber. There was a change, and a friend’s friend took @mayowaekpo and I. What should have taken maybe 30 minutes max, turned to two years in traffic.
Nobody deemed it fit to tell us that no cars were going into Eko Hotels; we were all just hoping, stuck in traffic. Having to walk so far isn’t always my first option; for obvious reasons.
Then I got into the hall. Olamide, why? I came in just as you were done with your first outing and I figured, he’ll be back.
You came back ONCE, while I was there and you played CD. Olamide, CD??? I’m still too lost. CD… like, ALL that for ‘DJ, track 2’.
Wait first, collect your money from the sound people; BAD, BAD sound. Even Adekunle (God bless his heart) who did LIVE for us, they spoilt his sound.
Adenike Oyetunde
I was TOO disappointed and I can’t hide it. Credit: IG
I, Adenike Oyetunde came to see You Olamide, LIVE, (it was a complimentary ticket, FYI), and you hounded me with comedy. HOW?
How does that even work? Ali Baba‘s January 1 concert is coming, I’ll get comedy there. WHY, did you succumb, Why? I thought you had it all figured out, but awon aye sold this BAD idea to you.
By the way, were you at Asa‘s show? If not, PLEASE, watch it. That’s what LIVE IN CONCERT is all about.
I was TOO disappointed and I can’t hide it.  Excellence is KEY and you had ONE year to plan.
I honestly didn’t see ANY plan; at least, to me. Of course, I still danced, I screamed, I took videos. But, from last year, it could have been WAY better.
I will not comment on that uncle that was jumping around with you!
Just give us what we ‘paid’ for Nigerian artiste. PLEASE. People hustled to GET tickets.

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